To find out, we recruited 400 streaming subscribers to watch the opening sequences of some of the most popular shows of the current era. We measured viewer reactions in Lumiere and asked follow-up questions to gauge how effectively each sequence generated interest and provided enjoyment. Our criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of each sequence included entertainment value, skipability, music, imagery, audience demographics, and perceptions of overall quality.
Our results indicated that opening title sequences remain important, even in today’s changing world of streaming habits. A large majority of viewers stated that the quality of the title sequence is a factor in determining not only the quality of a show (88%), but also the quality of the streaming service overall (77%). Post-sequence-viewing recall of the show title was relatively high (74%), and almost everyone found the opening sequences in general to be “attention-grabbing” (88%) and “entertaining (84%).”

But which shows do it best? There are of course a number of criteria that one might use to evaluate the effectiveness of a title sequence. Here are a few of the winners, based on different measures of success that may be of interest to creators and producers.